
It is an e-learning website and Mobile application (both in Android & iOS). It has functionalities like Live online classes, Video streaming, screen sharing, Payment, Chat, Scheduler, Notification, etc.

Karma App

Most recently played list

  • A one of its kind preview of last played songs
  • Unique cascade vertical scrolling to browse through the song bouquet.
  • Clean minimalistic user interface with great user experience

Queue list and play controls

  • Audio play controls placed at a convenient position on the screen that enables easy 1 hand operation.
  • Auto generated queue based on song parameters and the user’s last played / most frequently played songs.
  • Easy to shuffle between different songs on a single swap.

Data Categorization

  • Admin managed categories.
  • AI based generation of most popular categories.
  • Alphabetically sorted list view of all the categories.
Karma Website